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Het pantser van de kreeft
De zaak Sint Naar

New book cover designs coming early 2022. 

Hanneke Hendrix - De zaak Sint Naaz (Das Mag)

Mahir Alkaya - Van wie wordt ons geld? (Bot Uitgevers)

Nachoem M. Wijnberg – Namen noemen (Uitgeverij Pluim)

Jonathan van het Reve – De aanslag (Das Mag)

Ron Stoop – De gegijzelde economie (Bot Uitgevers)

Frank Keizer – De introductie van het plot (Uitgeverij Pluim)

Click here to see all book cover designs.

Speciale editie - DMMD
Special Edition | Rutger Bregman – De meeste mensen deugen

Special edition of De meeste mensen deugen by Rutger Bregman (De Correspondent) to celebrate one million sold copies worldwide. In this major book, Bregman takes some of the world's most famous studies and events and reframes them, providing a new perspective on the last 200,000 years of human history. Illustration inside of the box is called 'Het weefsel der mensheid' by Carlijn Kingma.

Poster 'Geestverwanten'

Poster design 'Geestverwanten'. An evening at VondelCS, Amsterdam, with several speakers discussing artists from the past and present hosted by Mister Motley, Muze and AvroTros. The theme of this edition was: murder; Looking back at Caravaggio's work together with Flemish artist Rosseel.


Identity design for StudioStad – coming soon!


‘My foundation will not save the world, I am aware of that, but on a local level our help makes all the difference in the world.’ – Steffie Mooren, founder of Kumi Hospital Foundation.


Kumi by Kiki Reijners: I had the pleasure to work together with photographer Kiki Reijners on this beautiful project for the Kumi Hospital Foundation in Uganda. 

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